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Security Guard in canada

Have you ever thought of becoming a security guard? If so, you’re at the right place and, hopefully, the right time! This blog will provide a detailed, informative guide for you on how to do that. Furthermore, It will show you how to become a successful security guard by signing up for Securtac’s online security guard training. However, before that, let’s tell you some valuable pros about being a security guard!

Benefits of Being a Security Guard In Canada:
  • You’ll have a flexible working schedule that fits you.
  • You’ll make extra cash.
  • Elevate your communication/customer service skills.
  • Create more opportunities for you and the companies you can work with.
  • You’ll gain work experience.
  • It could be your stepping stone to other careers related to security! Such as becoming a Corrections Officer, Police Officer Private Investigator.

Now, these are some significant perks, aren’t they?

Equally important, let us tell you why you should sign up for Securtac’s course on security guard training!

Why Sign Up with Securtac’s online security guard training:
  • You’ll learn at your own pace without any rush!
  • You’ll learn the most relevant and up to date material on the security guard industry.
  • Experts with 15+ years of experience in the industry write top-notch materials.
  • A live chat function is available to provide you with any assistance required.
  • Get rewarded! By referring your friends, you’ll receive gift cards per successful sign-up to many retailers! More referrals=More rewards!
Security Guard in canada

In addition, here at Securtac, we follow the guidelines outlined by the Private security and Investigations Act, 2005 (PSISA). Also, we give you a more in-depth and extensive learning experience to enable you to pass the Ontario Security guard test.

Now that we’ve explained the valuable outcomes you’ll experience let’s go about how you can sign up for Securtac’s online security guard course. Below, we’ll provide the necessary information and details regarding the process.


There are several general requirements for being a security guard:

  • Eligibility to work in Canada is a must.
  • Being 18 years old and above.
  • A clean criminal record is a must.

For further details on the requirements and more information, visit (

How to sign up For Securtac’s security guard course?
  • While selecting the security guard course to sign up, you must also select and sign up for the CPR training on our website (we recommend the emergency first aid level C CPR course). However, you can skip this step if you already have a valid Ontario CPR certificate. 
  • Do our 11 online learning modules. It would be best if you did the quiz at the end of each module to unlock the next one. You will need to allocate 32 hours worth of your time. But don’t worry; you won’t have to do all 32 hours in one sitting. You can sign out and sign back in later when you want to study, and you can continue from where you left off.
  • After completing the last module, take the final test.
  • You will receive a certificate of completion once you pass the test.
  • Make sure you send all the documents to Securtac. (Including your valid CPR certificate and completed consent and liability form.).
  • Following that, you’ll get an email from ( with your Testing Completion Number (TCN).
  • Afterward, you should go to their website, input this TCN and register for the Ontario security guard test.
  • You’re almost there! Wait for your test results. If it’s successful, you can begin the application process to become licensed in Ontario.
  • Fill out the forms online through the Service Ontario website to register for your license, OR you can submit a paper form.
  • Now, once you’re licensed and approved, you can begin your successful career as a security guard! CONGRATS!
How to make sure training providers are legit?

  Here are a few ways how to make sure the training provider you’re signing up for is legit:

  • It’s listed with the Ontario private security investigative services and is reputable.
  • Has positive online reviews on Google or word of mouth through friends/family/colleagues etc.
  • The physical presence of the business and NOT JUST online, plus you can speak to an actual person if needed.
  • Providing efficient assistance and guidance to make sure you complete the course successfully.

Moreover, Securtac is an approved Ontario Security guard agency, and you can make sure by checking us out at (

COST of becoming a Security Guard:

If you were wondering how much it costs to be a security guard, here’s a small table to inform you about it:

                       Required Items                                     Price
   Security Guard Course      (                                     $79.99
First Aid/CPR (If applicable) (                                     $109.99
Test Registration (                                     $39.55
Submit Application (                                     $80
More Reasons to Sign Up With Securtac’s online course on security guard training:
  • Online based self-led training

With the advancement of technology and our busy schedules, Securtac has adapted to the ongoing changes worldwide, especially in education/certification. As a result, we made a complete online 11 module security guard training course. Our first aid CPR providers also offer some of the training online. For the practical hand portion, you will have to come into class for a couple of hours to train and to write the test.

  • Suitability and Confidence:

In Securtac’s course, you can go at a pace that’s suitable to you comfortably without any rush. Additionally,  if you have a busy lifestyle/schedule, then be confident that you will only have to go to the next module after being 100% done with the one at hand.

  • Knowledge:

 In Securtac’s online course on security guard training, we offer 10+ topics of the top priority in the security business. Consequently, you’ll have a full understanding, knowledge, and adequate perception of how to be the best security guard you can be!

Finally, if you have any questions or inquiries you need more clarity on, go to our FAQ page. Click on this link

● Reasonable cost:

 Securtac’s security guard training is affordable and reasonably priced. Compared to     other training providers, their course is much cheaper.

● Access to resources:

Upon signing up, you’ll receive access to various resources that will help you during and after the course. This includes a course manual, audio files, and links to relevant online resources.

● Excellent customer service:

The staff at Securtac is knowledgeable and always available to answer your questions and provide assistance.

● Online convenience:

The entire course can be done online, making it very convenient for those with busy schedules. You can access the course anytime and anywhere you want.

● Up to date information:

The course is updated regularly to ensure that the information you receive is current and accurate.

Overall, Securtac’s online security guard training is an excellent option for anyone interested in becoming a security guard in Ontario. With their affordable course, access to resources, and excellent customer service, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in the security industry.

In conclusion, we explained the benefits of being a security guard and why you should sign up for Securtac’s online security guard training course. Additionally, how much it costs and how to register, and go through the process until you’re certified. Now, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to becoming a successful security guard by registering with us RIGHT NOW! Visit and get started!