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Imagine waking up one morning, excited for the day ahead, only to find your car missing from your driveway. This unnerving scenario is becoming increasingly common in Ontario, Canada. Billions of dollars’ worth of vehicles stolen, it’s time to explore the issue of car thefts and discover how we can take some measures to protect our cars.

The Disturbing Reality of Car Thefts

Ontario, Canada, a place of natural beauty and bustling cities, is grappling with a rising concern that has shaken its communities – car thefts. Particularly big cities such as The Greater Toronto Area, Brampton, Mississauga, London, Ottawa and much more. In recent times, countless car owners have been left bewildered as their vehicles vanish in the middle of the night. Other instances of theft occur in broad daylights, some victims even car jacked, assaulted, and robbed at gunpoint. Reports reveal that the province has witnessed a shocking loss of billions of dollars due to these thefts.

Getting to Know the Inner Workings of Car Thefts

Let’s take a moment to understand how these car thefts occur. Forget the old days of using a simple wire to unlock a car. Today’s thieves are armed with advanced tactics, such as electronic hacking and key cloning, to gain unauthorized access to vehicles. These criminals are persistent and skilled, leaving car owners feeling helpless.

Defending Your Trusty Ride: Practical Tips

Now, let’s focus on what really matters – how can we shield our cars from these modern-day pirates? Here are some uncomplicated yet effective measures that can make all the difference:

1. GPS Trackers with Kill Switches: Just imagine being able to track your car’s movements in real-time and even stopping the engine remotely. GPS trackers equipped with kill switches are changing the game in the battle against car thefts. You can easily locate your stolen car and it can be recovered. There are many different trackers out there in the market. We use a company called PlanetGPS to monitor our fleet. When you initially purchase the product, it comes with a 1-year subscription. Followed by about $120 a year thereafter. You can get one that plugs straight into your OBD port, or with some assistance or someone who is qualified enough you can get the hard wire version, which will allow you to not only track your vehicle but also give you the control to disable the engine from starting the next time a thief turns it off.

2. CCTV Cameras: Installing CCTV cameras around your property isn’t just about capturing humorous moments; they are vigilant sentinels keeping watch around the clock. These cameras deter potential thieves and provide crucial evidence if the worst-case scenario unfolds. Get in touch with Securtac to learn more about your CCTV camera needs, where we can com up with a plan to install a state-of-the-art system viewable via your smart phone from anywhere in the world. 

3. Faraday Box Key Holders: Outsmarting Keyless Entry Hackers while keyless entry systems are convenient, they have their vulnerabilities. That’s where the Faraday box key holder comes into play. This nifty pouch uses electromagnetic shielding to block signals, making it nearly impossible for hackers to gain unauthorized entry.


Car thefts might be an unsettling issue in Ontario, Canada, from GPS trackers with kill switches to the trusty Faraday box key holder, we have an arsenal of tools at our disposal. Let’s put an end to the era of disappearing cars and give car thieves a run for their money – or perhaps a dance for their escape. Be aware of your surroundings, Ontario!

Securtac’s success story in an evolving landscape inspires security companies seeking to embrace technology for their staffing needs while maintaining the essential elements of personalized interactions and trust.

Are you in need of reliable security solutions? Look no further than Securtac Protection Services! As a licensed security guard agency with a proven track record since 2009, we specialize in offering customizable security solutions, including expert event security guards.

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