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In the world of business, keeping your store safe from theft and losses is like guarding a treasure chest. We understand the importance of protecting your assets, and at Securtac, we’ve got your back.

Our loss prevention services are tailored to your unique needs, helping you reduce theft and secure your store. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of loss prevention, exploring how our services can benefit your business.

man reviewing live surveillance footage
Tailored Solutions for Your Store

At Securtac, we believe in customized solutions. We don’t follow a one size fits all approach because every store is different. When you partner with us, we take the time to understand your store, your customers, and your employees. This allows us to craft a loss prevention plan that’s as unique as your business.

Uniformed Guards: Your Watchful Protectors

Our team of uniformed guards is a formidable force in the battle against theft. They can patrol your store, specific areas, or entrances, keeping a keen eye on everyone who comes and goes. Their training is rigorous, equipping them with the skills to spot potential shoplifters and take the necessary steps to prevent theft.

This form of security offers a visual deterrent for potential shoplifters to be made aware that there is a security guard observing the sales floor. It also forms an extra layer of customer service and can aid retail stores in having an additional employee at their disposal to greet customers as they enter. If any action is required, guards will act accordingly based on their rigorous training to diffuse the situation.

Plain Clothes Guards: Blending In for Maximum Impact

Sometimes, the best way to catch a thief is to blend into the crowd. Our plain clothes guards do just that. They monitor not only suspicious visitors but also employee activity. This approach often leads to eyewitness evidence that can result in lawful arrests and a boost in your profits.

Our Winning Strategy: We follow strict protocols for making lawful arrests, which has led to a remarkable 100% conviction rate in the court of law. When you choose Securtac, you’re choosing a team that gets results and a company who is respected amongst local law enforcement agencies.

Our Bold Approach: Our guards are trained to identify suspicious activity and make arrests when necessary, ensuring that thieves face the consequences of their actions.

The Eyes That Never Blink: Surveillance Cameras

In today’s digital age, having a set of watchful eyes in the form of surveillance cameras is crucial. Our state-of-the-art cameras cover every nook and cranny of your store.

This technology not only supports our on-duty guards but also provides you, the store owner, with peace of mind.

Why Choose Surveillance Cameras? They offer undeniable evidence in case of any incidents. Plus, the mere presence of cameras can deter potential thieves from even trying.

Securtac: Your Partner in Profit Protection

With Securtac, it’s not just about preventing theft; it’s about safeguarding your customers, employees, and profits.

Our comprehensive loss prevention service is designed to work around the clock, providing you with tailor-made solutions that suit your specific needs.

The Benefits You Can Expect:

– Increased Profits: With our watchful guards and surveillance cameras, you can expect to see your profits rise as theft decreases.

– A Safer Environment: Your customers and employees will feel safer knowing that your store is well protected which can increase your sales.

– Preventing Losses: Our pro-active approach ensures that these potential losses minimize from your business


In the end, your store’s security is not just a matter of locks and alarms; it’s about having a comprehensive strategy that fits your unique needs. At Securtac, we pride ourselves on being your partners in profit protection.

Our tailored loss prevention services, backed by vigilant guards and state of the art surveillance, ensure that your store remains a safe haven for your customers and a profitable venture for you. Don’t wait for losses to pile up; choose Securtac today, and watch your profits rise.