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In the bustling city of Toronto, we all want to feel safe and secure. Whether it’s for guarding a special event, keeping a shopping mall secure, or looking out for residents in our neighborhoods, having a security guard can provide peace of mind. But what’s the price tag for this kind of protection? Let’s dive into this topic while introducing you to our trusted security company, Securtac Protection Services, which has proudly served the community for 15 years.

Securtac Security Guard Company
Finding the Right Security Guard Company

When it comes to picking the best security guard company in Toronto, there are a few things to keep in mind. Your safety and the safety of your belongings are important, so let’s go over some steps to help you make the right choice.

Must research before choosing a Security Guard Company

Start by doing some research. Look into the security guard companies available in Toronto and see what people have to say about them. A quick online search can give you a lot of useful information.

Experience Matters Of Security Company

In the world of security, experience is a big deal. Securtac, for instance, has been around for a solid 15 years. A long history often means a company knows how to do its job well and adapt to changes over time.

Securtac Security Guard Company
Listen to Others

Take a look at Google reviews to see what previous customers have experienced. Our clients have provided us their testimonials on Google reviews. They are happy with our reliable and quality services.

Social Media Insights

Social media can give you a sense of what a company is all about. Even if some companies aren’t super active on social media, a well-maintained online presence can tell you a lot about their professionalism.

Talk to a Real Person

Reach out to a representative from the security company. It’s important to have a conversation about your specific needs and concerns to get an accurate quote. When it comes to immediate help or time-sensitive situations, clear communication is key, so avoid sending time sensitive emails, and instead make a quick call to the company. If you can get an actual person from the security guard company, chances are your needs and the service you require can be met quickly and efficiently.

Cheap Isn’t Always Best

Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best one. If a security company is offering rates that are significantly lower than others, it’s worth being cautious. Extremely low prices might mean you’re sacrificing quality, or a desperate need for the security guard company to make a quick buck while skimming on the service. The saying holds true to many aspects “you get what you pay for.”

Open and Honest Pricing

Ask questions about why the pricing is what it is. Both the security guard company and its customers should be open and honest about feedback and pricing. This kind of transparency helps everyone understand what they’re getting into. Some reasons for pricing and quotes can be based on:

  1. How fast the client/customer requires service? For example, is the need for service ASAP, or within 24-48. This typically translates to a higher price pint given the urgency.
  2. What is the current standard minimum wage set out by your province? This along with additional governmental fees and accounting principles requires the security guard company to charge what they do to the client, without compromise.
  3. Does the need for security guard service fall on a long weekend? This requires the security guard company to charge statutory holiday pay of 1.5x the rate
  4. Does the security guard company fall in a geographical area that requires some travel outside of the city such as the Greater Toronto Area, or that does not have public transportation in place? This will require additional means of transportation such as taxi/uber for the security guard to get to their destination. In addition a per km charge could be billed to the client if the security guard has their own vehicle and needs to be compensated as such.
Free Quotes From Security Company

A professional security company should provide a free, no-obligation quotes. It’s a simple but important part of choosing the right security service. There will be an analysis done by the security guard company representative that requires some questions to be answered, but that will help provide you the best and accurate quote.

Securtac Security Guard Company
On-Site Visits

Avoid companies that skip the step of visiting your location to assess your needs. While phone conversations might work for smaller projects, an in-person risk assessment ensures that the quotes you receive are accurate, especially for larger, more complex security needs.

This also stands true for our  clients/customers as well. At time we are contact by our clients seeking a quote. They must present the number to their management team and are in a hurry to present them the best top security guard agencies. It is very common for these types of clients trying to avoid a site visit or avoid human interaction from a security guard company representative. We assure you this will not result in an accurate quote, as the security guard company may undervalue the number, which may sound too good to be true, resulting them to have to back out of the deal leaving you at  square one.

Understanding the Cost of Security

Now that we’ve covered how to choose a security guard company, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how much it costs to hire a security guard.

The cost of security guards can vary quite a bit depending on a few factors. These factors include the type of security you need, governmental wage standards and fees associated with wages/salaries, the level of training required, where the security guard is needed, and how long you need the service. Let’s break it down:

What Type of Security?

The kind of security service you need plays a big role in the cost. For example, providing security for a big event or a shopping mall might require special training and more guards, which can increase the price. If security guards are required to have use of force training, their stock goes up and so does the liability, resulting in a higher price point.

Specialized Training and Expertise

That brings us or next point! We have security guards with special training or expertise, use of force, handcuffing, first-aid or experience in handling certain security issues, which most certainly results in a higher charge. Expertise adds an extra layer of protection.

Where Is a Security Guard Needed?

The location of where the security guard will be working and other variables. High-risk areas or places that are tough to access may require extra security measures, which can raise the price. Furthermore, high risk areas or places that are highly accessible by people may also require extra security measures and raise the price. There is no one size fits all solution.

Securtac Security Guard Company
How Long Do You Need a Security Guard For?

The length of time you need security guard service is another key factor in pricing. Short-term assignments, such as one-time events often cost less than long-term contracts, which may come with discounts. Also keep in mind the more security guards required will increase the amount you will be billed, but can bring down the hourly rate. Rates are billed per guard per hour.

Securtac: Your Trusted Security Partner

Now, let’s talk about Securtac Protection Services, your trusted security company with 15 years of experience. We’re here to provide you with top-notch security services in Toronto while not compromising on quality and offering competitive pricing to suit your needed tailored specifically for you.

Competitive Rates

Our prices are competitive and reflect the high-quality service we offer. We understand the importance of value for your money, but also understand the importance of delivering what we promise. Our rates reflect a true, honest, legal and ethical operating company. We do not like to cut corners when it comes to servicing our clients and want to hold true to our commitment and stand behind our service as we have been for the last 15 years.

Tailored Solutions

At Securtac, we take the time to understand your unique security needs. We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach; every client is special, and we cater to your specific requirements. We have enough experience to quickly assess your needs and provide you the details you need to get us servicing your needs immediately.

On-Site Assessments

We always conduct thorough on-site assessments to make sure our quotes are accurate and that our services meet your expectations. This step is crucial to providing effective security solutions. Especially for larger corporate settings where security guard service is a continuous operation. We must attend to visualize what our uniformed security guards will be getting involved with. For example, a condominium corporation or property management company looking to bring on a new security guard company should not only have the expectation and duties addressed to Securtac, but we would have to attend the location to assess and analyze the setting, the establishment and how processes and procedures are currently operating. If there are any way we can enhance or improve these measures we will address them accordingly by formulating a plan and executing.

Transparent Pricing

We believe in transparent pricing, with no hidden fees or surprises. Open communication with our clients is important to us, resulting in building trust and understanding. Rate charges are associated with many factors that a legal and ethical security guard company or any company conducting business in Canada that has employees is required to incorporate in their fees that they simply cannot get away from, such as but not limited to:

  1. Minimum provincial wage
  2. Canada pension plan contribution
  3. Employment insurance contribution
  4. Vacation pay
  5. Employer Health Tax
  6. Workers Safety Insurance Board
  7.  Job site requirements for the customer
  8. Hours involved to service the contract

Considering all the above factors rates can start anywhere from $23 per guard per hour. But remember this is on the lower end and many reasons can play out for this. If an event that requires 10+ guards with around the clock coverage for a couple days will allow for a lower rate as opposed to an event that requires just 1 or 2 guards for about 8 hours can result in rates starting from $30 and up. Just to reiterate what we said above, SECURITY IS NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL APPROACH!!!

Securtac Security Guard Company
In Conclusion

Hiring a security guard is an investment in your safety and peace of mind. While cost is an important factor, it shouldn’t be the only one. As you explore security guard company and rates in Toronto, remember that quality, expertise, and personalized service are equally vital.

Are you in need of reliable security guard service solution?

Look no further than Securtac Protection Services! As a licensed security guard agency with a proven track record since 2009, we specialize in offering customizable security solutions, including expert event security guards and other uniformed security needs. When you choose Securtac, you’re not just getting a security company; you’re gaining a partner committed to your security and peace of mind.

So, when it comes to security, don’t settle for less. Contact Securtac today, and let us create a security solution that matches your unique needs. Your safety is our top priority, and we’re here to protect what matters most to you.

Protection is our business®.