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1691 McCowan Rd Unit# 101
Toronto, ON M1S 2Y3
(North of HWY 401 on McCowan)

Yes, we are licensed by the Ministry of Private Security & Investigative Services Branch and meet all their requirements. Click here and go to the license status of an agency and enter our agency name.

No, those individuals who have a valid First Aid / CPR certificate may be exempt from doing the certification course. The certificate must be presented to our office for validation.

Once you register for the Security Guard Training at our main branch you will be enrolled in our next available class, which begins every Monday at 9 a.m.

Yes, once you have successfully completed all the lessons you will be given a final test by Securtac to ensure that you are prepared to write the Ministry Test. We require you to achieve a minimum passing grade of 65% in order for us to allow you to write the final test with the Ministry.

Only the 40 Hour Security Guard Training Course is offered in class.

We are currently working on providing the Security guard training syllabus course online. Please stay tuned.

Once you have completed and successfully passed the course a numeric code will be generated and sent to your email. This will allow you to register and write the final ministry exam.

Once we issue you a code you can go to and click on SCHEDULE A TEST which is administered by Serco. Here you will input the code we provided you with as well as your date of birth and book a date. This is a third-party testing facility that administers the test. For general info regarding minimum passing requirements and duration of the test visit:

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